How to get help when you’re struggling to care for a family member at home

It can be difficult to care for a family member at home, especially if you‘re struggling to do it all on your own. If you‘re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed, there are ways to get help. One way to get help is to reach out to your family and friends. They can provide support and practical help, such as taking over some of the caregiving duties or running errands. Another way to get help is to seek out professional caregiving services. There are companies that can provide inhome care for your loved one, giving you a muchneeded break. These services can be expensive, but there may be financial assistance available through your state or local government. If you‘re struggling to care for a family member at home, don‘t be afraid to reach out for help. With a little support, you can make it through this difficult time.

Caring Hands United provides affordable in-home care services in over 80 counties across the State of Georgia. We also are a provider in the Structured Family Caregiver Medicaid Waiver program, which allows qualified family members living in the same home to receive stipend payments. Call or contact us to learn more.