Offices & Locations

Griffin, Georgia – Office
100 South Hill St #525
Griffin, Georgia 30223
Service Request
Call 1-888.832.1550 or submit the form below to request private in-home personal support services.
Frequently Asked

What is Non-Medical home care?
Home Care, which is also known as Non-Medical Care (or Custodial Care), includes non-medical in-home care services such as personal care, housekeeping, companion care and any other non-medical care services that cover activities of daily living.
Does Medicare cover Non-Medical home care?
Non-Medical home care is not covered by Medicare. However, Medicaid provides full and/or partial coverage for home care through several waiver programs.
What are skilled nursing services?
Skilled nursing care consists of those services that must be performed by a registered nurse or licensed practical (vocational) nurse. We offer both skilled and non-medical services.
How Do You Manage Reliability?
Caring Hands United uses an advanced caregiver scheduling software which includes instant notification when caregivers arrive and depart from the home. In the event that a caregiver does not clock in on time, our staff is alerted and immediately contacts the caregiver and client to determine whether a replacement caregiver is needed.
More information
Learn about the history and mission of Caring Hands United, Inc.
Private Duty Home Care →
Learn about our private duty home care program and schedule a consultation.
Cost & Payment Information →
View our rates and accepted forms of payment & insurance.
Medicaid Waiver Programs →
We accept SOURCE, CCSP, Structured Family Caregiver (SFC), ICWP, COMP, and NOW clients. Find out if you or your loved one qualifies for service.
Waivers FAQ →
Read our FAQ. You can also email or call us if your questions aren’t answered.
Veterans’ Personal Support Services→
We provide personal support and respite services through the Veterans Choice Program (VCP).
Pre and Postoperative Services→
Learn more about the services we provide both before and after major surgery, including elective surgery.
Jobs and Careers →
We’re always hiring. Browse our current openings. All applicants must submit to an in-person interview, background check, and drug screen.
Employees’ Area→
Special area just for prospective and current employees.